David Miller: Editor in Chief, Staff Photographer, Staff Writer (Editor@IndependentPhilly.com)
Rick Pettine: Sports Director & Photographer (Sports@IndependentPhilly.com)
Jericho Sav: Head of concert photography/show reviews
D. Jacob Miller: Head Photographer (www.djacobmillerphotography.com)
Stephen Miller: Staff Writer
Michael Green: Contributing Photographer
Ching Chen: Contributing Photographer
Kyle Pettine: Contributing Photographer
Jen Strogatz: Contributing Photographer
Bob Linneman: Contributing Photographer
Bethany Rees: Contributing Photographer
Aaron Salsbury: Contributing Writer
Jeanette Wons: Contributing Writer
Emily Holmquist: Contributing Writer
Alyssa Anderson: Contributing Writer
Joshua Miller: Contributing Writer
Independent Philly also accepts and uses contributions from several freelance sources.
Interested in joining the Independent Philly team? Shoot an email to Editor@IndependentPhilly.com
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