[ Interview by Jen Strogatz ]
[ Photos by Jen Strogatz ]
Independent Philly:
Where does the name ‘Jungle Giants’ come from? Who thought of it?
Andrew Dooris:
When we were first starting up the band, we all came up with a few names; I think The Jungle Giants was Sam’s. We handn’t formally decided until Sam called us panicked from the mastering session for the first EP, saying “We need a name now! I’m going with The Jungle Giants! Argh!” Cesira and I were like “Argh! Sure!”
Independent Philly:
Who are your biggest musical influences?

Andrew Dooris:
It’s changed a lot over the years. I know for Sam the big ones have been: Two Door Cinema Club, Cloud Control, Bon Iver and probably the biggest one James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem).
Independent Philly:
What’s your creative process like? (Songwriting, your music videos)
Andrew Dooris:
The Jungle Giants is Sam Hales’ brainchild everything that is put out under this name is his wholly from conception to end. The rest of us just help to support and act as filters for his ideas.
Independent Philly:
How did you all first meet and decide to form the Jungle Giants?

Andrew Dooris:
We all met in high school. Sam was writing these great songs and invited Cesira and I to flesh them out with him because he wanted to play in a band. The next 9 years have been a bit of a blur but that’s about the size of it.
Independent Philly:
How would you describe your style of music?
Andrew Dooris:
High energy indie dance.

Independent Philly:
I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of the band that you remind me of. So I thought I’d ask you, who do you think your sound is reminiscent of?
Andrew Dooris:
Probably your new favourite band.
Independent Philly:
Can you tell me a bit about your newest album? How did this new album come about? Did you have any specific inspiration leading up to the writing/recording of the new music?

Andrew Dooris:
Quiet Ferocity came about by a new working approach from Sam. He had a small studio space in Moorooka and would go to write every morning 9-5 and treat it like a job. At the same time, he was delving into electronic music and not falling in love, but building a love with his partner Grace.
Independent Philly:
Can you tell me some more backstory on your new single “Send Me Your Loving?”
Andrew Dooris:
It was a song that Sam wrestled with the production over that ended up coming good right at the last minute. I’m super proud of it and him.

Independent Philly:
How has preparation for this US Tour been for you guys? What’s it like touring and traveling together?
Andrew Dooris:
We prepped the US tour by finishing off festivals in Australia over December. We have a huge family vibe as a band, so touring is eating lots of food, talking absolute garbage and laughing hysterically.
Independent Philly:
I know that you are from Australia, how has the recent devastation impacted the region that you are from? Have you seen anything firsthand in terms of relief aids?

Andrew Dooris:
Luckily, we’re all based in the cities (Brisbane/Melbourne). Beyond hazardous air quality and festival cancellation due to fires, none of us personally have been directly affected. In saying that, Sam was evacuated over the Christmas break from a rental holiday house and I drove my car from Melbourne to Brisbane and saw a fair bit of destruction as well. The scale of this summer’s fires (and now the floods) which has hit some of our country’s most vulnerable is unfathomable. It’s not just about koalas and wildlife but we are really starting to see the erosion of our quality of life and safety, due to negligent climate policy on behalf of our state and federal governments. It’s a scary and frustrating time to be Australian, particular for those in the country. We, as a band, donated $10k to the relief and have personally donated money as well. It’s something we’re passionate about.
Independent Philly:
Have you ever seen or held a koala bear?
Andrew Dooris:
Yes, used to see them all the time in trees at school. There’s also a famous sanctuary near where we’re from called Lone Pine where plenty of famous people go to hold koalas. It’s the kind of place you go for school trips once every few years.

Independent Philly:
If you were a kangaroo, what are the top 3 things that you’d store in your pouch?
Andrew Dooris:
1) Guitar picks, they’re so easy to lose and so handy.
2) My passport, I don’t care if it’s sticky and gross in there as long as I have it.
3) Probably a sudoku book and a pen.

Independent Philly:
Favorite spot for a Philly cheesesteak?
Andrew Dooris:
We only got to try one from Joe’s Steaks across the road from the venue, but it was great!! Would recommend!